Author Archives: Jason

4 Steps to Success!

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December 9  |  News  |   Jason

There are four steps every company should go through to create an opportunity to attract and keep customers. When you partner with Marketing Firepower we’ll help you understand these four steps and help you implement them. We’ll show you how to best communicate with prospective customer. You’ll learn the most inexpensive and most effective way to keep customers coming back. Every business has a story to tell that allows them to create value in the mind of the consumer. We’ll help you uncover your unique story. Partner with Marketing Firepower today.

Recession or No Recession – It’s Your Choice

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November 11  |  Business, Recession  |   Jason
Jeff Dostal, President of Marketing Firepower

I’m blessed with four kids, ages 13 to 5. When they ask a question or complain about a request made of them, they get to participate in the “You always have a choice”conversation. The oldest knows it pretty well. The nine year old just rolls his eyes when he sees it coming. We talk about how they can do anything they want as long as they are willing to accept the consequences. They can choose to disobey me, but

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there will be consequences. They can choose to make the wrong choice when they are with friends, but there will be consequences. So as young kids, I hope I’m teaching them something valuable… they always have choices.
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