It’s important that you realize no matter what product or service you offer….if others are not purchasing it….most likely it’s because you have not created value. Don’t fall into the trap of lowering price to make a sale. Now you just have a product or service that they still don’t value and it’s worth even less because you dropped the price. The value you create, creates the price you can ask.
Marketing Bridge
Are You Neglecting The Right Kind of Marketing?
Success Is Easy, But So Is Neglect by Jim Rohn
People often ask me how I became successful in that six-year period of time while many of the people I knew did not. The answer is simple: The things I found to be easy to do, they found to be easy not to do. I found it easy to set the goals that could change my life. They found it easy not to do. I found it easy to read the books that could affect my thinking and my ideas. They found that easy not to do. I found it easy to attend the classes and the seminars, and to get around other successful people. They said it probably really wouldn’t matter. If I had to sum it up, I would say what I found to be easy to do, they found to be easy not to do. Six years later, I’m a millionaire and they are all still blaming the economy, the government, and company policies, yet they neglected to do the basic, easy things.
In fact, the primary reason most people are not doing as well as they could and should, can be summed up in a single word: neglect.
It is not the lack of money—banks are full of money. It is not the lack of opportunity—America, and much of the Free World, continues to offer the most unprecedented and abundant opportunities in the last six thousand years of recorded history. It is not the lack of books—libraries are full of books and they are free! It is not the schools—the classrooms are full of good teachers. We have plenty of ministers, leaders, counselors and advisors.
Everything we would ever need to become rich and powerful and sophisticated is within our reach. The major reason that so few take advantage of all that we have is simply neglect.
Neglect is like an infection. Left unchecked it will spread throughout our entire system of disciplines and eventually lead to a complete breakdown of a potentially joy-filled and prosperous human life.
Not doing the things we know we should do causes us to feel guilty and guilt leads to an erosion of self-confidence. As our self-confidence diminishes, so does the level of our activity. And as our activity diminishes, our results inevitably decline. And as our results suffer, our attitude begins to weaken. And as our attitude begins the slow shift from positive to negative, our self-confidence diminishes even more… and on and on it goes.
So my suggestion is that when giving the choice of “easy to” and “easy not to” that you do not neglect to do the simple, basic, “easy,” but potentially life-changing activities and disciplines.
Is it an expense or investment for your company?
Advertising done right will be a profitable part of your business. Advertising done wrong will be an expensive lesson that most companies don’t have the time or money to learn. Advertising is designed to attract new prospects to your business. Is it? If it isn’t, let’s talk. You deserve more than what you are getting. Much more.
It’s OK to not do it all!
Had a great conversation last night with a long time client. He went back to when we first started working together and told us that the best decision he made to grow his company was realizing he couldn’t do everything and he needed to find people he could trust to help him. He said that’s when he decided to partner with Marketing Firepower. Wow, that was awesome to hear!
Tracking Your ROI!
There is not a business owner out there that does not want to know if the money they are investing in advertising is working or not. So what do they do to find out? Many will ask that infamous question, “How did you hear about us?”. I hate to break it to you but most of us don’t remember where we heard about a business. Aren’t you happy that we are simply there to buy something? The other common solution by small business is the infamous coupon. We rationalize that if the coupon comes back, our advertising is working. Really? All that worked was the offer. We just spent money to give someone a discount for our product or service. And let’s think like a consumer. Once we receive a product or service at a set price, have we not just created a value in our mind? Why would be come back at a later date and pay full price? You can judge if your advertising is working. You can create an ROI for your investment. Come back in a few days and I’ll share with you how. If you want to know right away, give me a call (402) 817-4864 or send me an email to
Do You Treat Them Right
Over 65% of customers who leave a business say they do so because of a “perceived attitude of indifference”. They don’t think the company cares. Do you. Do you show your customers you value their business. How many companies offer special deals and one time opportunities to “new customers” leaving loyal customers out in the cold? Too many. Your first priority should be your current customers. If you need help understanding how to do that, give me a call. We’ll visit about a lot of ways that are free or very inexpensive.
Testing Your Own Marketing Bridge
![Norton Warner](
By Norton E. Warner
Advertisers sometimes buy advertising with the idea of testing the ad medium. There is nothing wrong with testing. A successful enterprise continually evaluates expenditures. Remember, however, that advertising may test your marketing bridge more than it does the medium.
Former president of Procter & Gamble, Howard J. Morgens once pointed out, “No amount of advertising can force people to buy things they do not want. Advertising cannot sell a poor product. It might induce people to try it once, but it cannot build an enduring business on such a product.” Nor can advertising build an enduring business with a poor or ineffective marketing bridge. Continue Reading
Personal Selling: How Strong is Your Merchandising?
![Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower](
The most essential ingredient of any successful business is an effective Marketing Bridge. If you are unfamiliar with the term, “Marketing Bridge” refers to all the forces that combine to make a sale and create a customer for your enterprise. Every business has one. Some are in good shape. Some are in need of major repair and reconstruction. The inventor, designer, and creator of the Marketing Bridge, Norton E. Warner, also happens to be the founder of Marketing Firepower.
It has always interested me how many business owners tend to point fingers and cast blame when advertising expectations are not met. It could be the 3-day weekend sale that failed to deliver the anticipated traffic or sales results. Continue Reading
Personal Selling: It Makes the Difference
![Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower](
The most essential ingredient of any successful business is an effective Marketing Bridge. If you are unfamiliar with the term, “Marketing Bridge” refers to all the forces that combine to make a sale and create a customer for your enterprise. Every business has one. Most don’t even realize it. Some are in good shape. Some are in need of major repair and reconstruction. The inventor, designer, and creator of the Marketing Bridge, Norton E. Warner, also happens to be the founder of Marketing Firepower.
I learned long ago as a curious little rug rat that you can’t see electricity, but one quick insertion of a screwdriver into a wall outlet will generate instant pain and probably knock you into next week. That happened to me about 40 years before the invention of the Taser and the now popular phrase, “Don’t tase me, bro,” but I think I have a pretty good idea of what a Taser feels like. Continue Reading
The Importance of “Price” and “Value”
![Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower](
One of the most essential ingredients of any successful business is an effective Marketing Bridge. If you are unfamiliar with the term, “Marketing Bridge” refers to all the forces that combine to make a sale and create a customer for your enterprise—or any enterprise. Every business has one. Most don’t even realize it. Some are in good shape. Some are in need of major repair and reconstruction. The inventor, designer, and creator of the Marketing Bridge, also just happens to be the founder of Marketing Firepower, Norton E. Warner.
In future articles, we’ll focus on each and every element necessary to build your successful Marketing Bridge. This month, let’s talk about “price” and “value.”
To state the obvious, the “cost” of an item refers only to price. Either the cost you paid to stock the item in your inventory, or the price the customer paid to take it off your shelf. Or, as Warren Buffett once stated, “Cost is what you pay, value is what you get.” Continue Reading