
When we work together it works!

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August 2  |  Advertising, Business, Customer Relations, Marketing, News, Partnerships, Recession, Uncategorized  |   JDostal
What we love about helping businesses is when they will work with us and really let us help them. A client in Halifax wanted to get on the radio up there. We got him going. He next wanted to use a local friend to create a better website. Here is part of what he wrote to his website guy: 

“Due to the high response we are getting on our radio ads we have decided to start the process earlier than we originally told you.”

Would you like your marketing and advertising to work better than you expected? Give us a call.


Grow Your Business with a Daily Dose of P-M-A

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April 16  |  Business, Recession  |   VCoker
Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower

No matter how hard you try, you can’t escape hearing, seeing, reading, or talking about the recession…or somehow feeling the results personally. See for yourself today. Nearly every news story involves the economy and how it will shape our lives. Job cuts, plant closings, bankruptcies, investment fraud, higher crime rates, the mortgage crisis, home and business foreclosures, the cost of healthcare, deficit spending, pork spending, lackluster consumer spending, declining stock markets, unemployment, and on and on and on.

Positive Mental Attitude

If you’re not careful, you’ll catch a case of Stinkin’ Thinkin’ yourself. Stinkin’ Thinkin’ is a deadly disease. It hinders clear thinking. Wipes out hope and optimism. Destroys businesses, personal wealth, even your life. Fortunately, there is a proven vaccine. It’s called P-M-A. Continue Reading

How to Grow Your Business in a Recession

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March 24  |  Advertising, Business, Recession  |   VCoker
Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower

Why is it most business owners do all the wrong things when tough times hit? It’s almost like they have a death wish.

Think about it. What’s the one thing you must have enough of…plenty of…even more of during a recession? I’m not talking about money. I’m not talking about time. The correct answer is—customers. It’s customers that offer their money to spend with you. Customers keep your employees employed. Customers pay your bills and keep your banker happy. Customers help you afford a vacation…find time to relax…and send your kids to college. Customersmore customers—will help you weather the recession.

But what typically happens when times get tough? Usually the first thing that gets cut, or totally eliminated, is that misunderstood, abused, and otherwise dirty word—

How to Grow Your Business in a Recession

Advertising. That’s easy to cut. You know—“We have to cut expenses somewhere.” And since advertising isn’t really doing what we think it should anyway….let’s save some money.

Imagine having a party…better yet, let’s make it really big and have a wedding. A day to share with hundreds of family and friends. Continue Reading

How’s your diet working for you?

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March 6  |  Advertising, Recession  |   JDostal
Jeff Dostal, President of Marketing Firepower

Many advertisers have been asking us if they should spend less money on their advertising with the recession in full bloom. What do you think? Let me offer an analogy for you.

Let’s say you have begun a high intensity workout program. You are going at it everyday and working your body harder than ever before. Is the smart thing to 1. Increase your intake of food 2. Decrease your intake of food or 3. Increase your intake of the right foods? Continue Reading

A "Grinchy" Recipe on How to Worsen Economic Woes

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November 21  |  Business, Recession  |   JDostal
Jeff Dostal, President of Marketing Firepower

Listening to the radio the other day on my way to work I hear Charles Osgood tell me he was about to share a recipe on how to worsen the economy and it came straight from the Grinch himself. I had to listen to that and here is what I heard:


Economic Recession Grinch-StyleMost meteorological events, including the tropical depressions that become hurricanes, happen independent of what we do or don’t do. We can track them, try to forecast them and get out of their way when possible

But economic depressions — and recessions — are not like the weather: they’re almost entirely man-made, created by human activity or lack thereof.

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Recession or No Recession – It’s Your Choice

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November 11  |  Business, Recession  |   Jason
Jeff Dostal, President of Marketing Firepower

I’m blessed with four kids, ages 13 to 5. When they ask a question or complain about a request made of them, they get to participate in the “You always have a choice”conversation. The oldest knows it pretty well. The nine year old just rolls his eyes when he sees it coming. We talk about how they can do anything they want as long as they are willing to accept the consequences. They can choose to disobey me, but

small business marketing ideas

there will be consequences. They can choose to make the wrong choice when they are with friends, but there will be consequences. So as young kids, I hope I’m teaching them something valuable… they always have choices.
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