First the Goal, Then the Means

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June 1  |  Business, Norton's Book  |   NWarner
Norton Warner

Your strategy begins with a goal. Corporate consultant Peter Drucker claims that “the best way to predict the future is to create it.” Your goals predict the future of your enterprise. When you establish goals and commit yourself to them, you become a slave to the master you have created. Once you swear allegiance to your company’s vision, you’ll have the means to accomplish it. The information, personnel, opportunities, and resources you need will become available to you. It’s like magic, and it unleashes power that you—the magician—never knew you had.

Napoleon Hill, one of the first to codify the principles of personal achievement, called this mysterious power The Law of Cosmic Habit Force. Hill’s premise is that once you decide on a goal of any kind, you “send your little men out” and they bring back the information and resources necessary to accomplish it. The goal might be as complex as building a national business enterprise or as simple as finding a parking space in front of the bank downtown.

Some call this magical power “prayer.” It plays a major role in every achievement. Praying for something involves knowing what you want—the goal—and having faith that it can become a reality.

Norton is the author and creator of Marketing Firepower. Five decades helping businesses develop strategies, create campaigns, identify and target the most profitable customer and proper budgeting advice have all contributed to the Marketing Firepower information. Norton created Marketing Firepower to make his experience and success strategies available to businesses around the world.

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