An old classmate who has become a good friend and client wrote the following in his blog recently. I thought his perspective was interesting and very much appreciated!
Marketing Vs Advertising Vs Prospecting
Posted: 13 Apr 2012 02:01 PM PDT I know, I have a BSBA in Marketing but until about 4 years ago I did not really follow what I learned in school. What happened 4 years ago? I reconnected with Jeff Dostal with Marketing Firepower. Jeff and I went to Norfolk Catholic High School together. Jeff completely revolutionized what I think about marketing, advertising and prospecting. Some things I learned. Building a brand take time. If you want to succeed you need to dedicate time, money and resources to marketing, advertising and prospecting and they are very different from one another. These activities are all about consistency No matter what your budget is you need to have a budget. You need a plan and you need a team to help you execute that plan. You need to constantly remind people, including your current customers, what you do. You need to reach out and touch your customers often. If you do not focus on growing your business it will ultimately go out of business. Jeff has a lot of great resources on his website, check it out at |