Well, That Makes Sense!

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February 27  |  Advertising  |   JDostal
Jeff Dostal, President of Marketing Firepower

How many times do we say this when looking at a problem we believe has a complex solution and when a simple one is presented…”Well, that makes sense!” Your advertising is one of those problems that many feel needs to have a complex solution. You have the answers to effectively communicate your story. You just need to understand how simple the process is.

Fresh Baked Small Business Marketing Bread

Have you ever entered a new building with hallways in all directions and felt like you would never find your way around. After seeing the big picture, perhaps on a layout like a map, the complexity turned to simplicity. Your advertising can, and should be, the same. You will hear me talk about this over and over because many business owners don’t want to hear the simple solution, they want something more complex.

Why choose complex when simple does the trick. We live in a time when gadgets and gizmos are at every turn. Their complexity does not have to reflect on the simplicity of what you want to do with your advertising.

Let me provide an example: The person in front of me is looking for the best tasting fresh baked bread in town. I could tell him, “We bake fresh bread, every day,” or I could say; “We bake fresh bread. First, we prepare the dough. We make it from scratch using my grandmother’s recipe that won all kinds of awards at the county fair. My father, who’s been baking bread since he was six, comes in at 4am and begins to form the loaves and slides them in the ovens that were made just for bread baking. We add a secret ingredient just before they are put in the oven to give our bread that special taste people keep coming back for. Would you like one loaf or two?”

Tell people what you do. Tell people why you are special, different, and unique. They want to buy something from you, a person who they can develop a relationship with, let them!

Jeff is President of Marketing Firepower and an experienced marketing professional. He has helped many business become successful through the effective use of advertising.

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