
The Minefield You Didn’t Know You Were In

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March 25  |  Advertising, Business  |   JDostal
Jeff Dostal, President of Marketing Firepower

I always wondered what it meant, “Ignorance is bliss.” As I grew up, I came to realize exactly what it meant. There are many times our lives would be much simpler if we didn’t know some of the things we know. But, it’s also dangerous, that thing called ignorance.

Let’s talk about your small business. You have put so much into its success, even though you knew the majority of small businesses fail, or did you? Perhaps ignorance at that stage was a good thing. So let’s get even more specific. Let’s talk about your advertising. Ignorance in this area can be dangerous and expensive. You could be walking in a minefield and not even realize it.

The Minefield of Marketing and Advertising

I’ve seen so many businesses put effort and money into their opening. Employees were hired, product in place, customer service schedules set. They are ready to go. Unfortunately they forgot about one thing…the customer. Nothing else matters if you don’t have customers. Why do so many of us imagine that the customer will simply appear out of no where? Continue Reading

How to Grow Your Business in a Recession

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March 24  |  Advertising, Business, Recession  |   VCoker
Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower

Why is it most business owners do all the wrong things when tough times hit? It’s almost like they have a death wish.

Think about it. What’s the one thing you must have enough of…plenty of…even more of during a recession? I’m not talking about money. I’m not talking about time. The correct answer is—customers. It’s customers that offer their money to spend with you. Customers keep your employees employed. Customers pay your bills and keep your banker happy. Customers help you afford a vacation…find time to relax…and send your kids to college. Customersmore customers—will help you weather the recession.

But what typically happens when times get tough? Usually the first thing that gets cut, or totally eliminated, is that misunderstood, abused, and otherwise dirty word—

How to Grow Your Business in a Recession

Advertising. That’s easy to cut. You know—“We have to cut expenses somewhere.” And since advertising isn’t really doing what we think it should anyway….let’s save some money.

Imagine having a party…better yet, let’s make it really big and have a wedding. A day to share with hundreds of family and friends. Continue Reading

Small Business Advertising and Marketing; It’s Not Rocket Science

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March 13  |  Advertising, Business, Marketing  |   VCoker
Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower

That magnificent 6-inch orb that rests on top of our shoulders is really an amazing contraption. It has the capability of understanding, analyzing, predicting, and improving the most complex, abstract, and intricate of concepts. The results of such thinking have sent astronauts to the moon and safely back to earth. We’ve witnessed satellites deployed to pinpoint destinations previously unexplored in our universe. We’ve made gigantic strides in prolonging life and curing disease.

Marketing and Advertising is not Rocket Science

When you consider the information base today compared to just 50 years ago…it boggles the mind how far we have advanced. 200 years ago? The knowledge we possess in 2009 versus 1809 is….well, let’s just say it’s “incomparable.” Remember the legendary story about President McKinley wanting to close the U.S.

Patent Office in 1899 because everything worthwhile had already been invented? (I can’t validate—but we won’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.) Continue Reading

How’s your diet working for you?

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March 6  |  Advertising, Recession  |   JDostal
Jeff Dostal, President of Marketing Firepower

Many advertisers have been asking us if they should spend less money on their advertising with the recession in full bloom. What do you think? Let me offer an analogy for you.

Let’s say you have begun a high intensity workout program. You are going at it everyday and working your body harder than ever before. Is the smart thing to 1. Increase your intake of food 2. Decrease your intake of food or 3. Increase your intake of the right foods? Continue Reading

"I’ve Tried Advertising. It Doesn’t Work!"

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March 5  |  Advertising, Marketing, Marketing Bridge  |   VCoker
Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower

It’s absolutely amazing how business owners tend to blame poor sales figures on the back of advertising.

“Weekend traffic was down…must be the advertising.”

“Pretty good traffic this weekend but no sales…must be the advertising.”

“We seem to be getting more and more grumpy customers…we must be talking to the wrong people with our advertising.”

I've Tried Advertising. It Doesn't Work

Nine times out of ten, if you want to know who to blame for down times or poor sales…look in the mirror.

When you really understand the function of advertising you will know where to look to for the cure to your problems. Let’s consider the restaurant owner who spends thousands of dollars to attract people to his restaurant. The ambiance is perfect. The food and presentation are exquisite. The service is…….well; let’s just say it wasn’t good. We sat at our table for 10 minutes before our waiter greeted us. Finally she arrived. No smile. No pleasantries. No eye contact. No menu suggestions. No service. No tip. No return visit. The poor taste of bad service trumps the good flavor of great food. Every time! Continue Reading

Well, That Makes Sense!

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February 27  |  Advertising  |   JDostal
Jeff Dostal, President of Marketing Firepower

How many times do we say this when looking at a problem we believe has a complex solution and when a simple one is presented…”Well, that makes sense!” Your advertising is one of those problems that many feel needs to have a complex solution. You have the answers to effectively communicate your story. You just need to understand how simple the process is.

Fresh Baked Small Business Marketing Bread

Have you ever entered a new building with hallways in all directions and felt like you would never find your way around. After seeing the big picture, perhaps on a layout like a map, the complexity turned to simplicity. Your advertising can, and should be, the same. You will hear me talk about this over and over because many business owners don’t want to hear the simple solution, they want something more complex. Continue Reading

It’s Not What You Know That Hurts You…

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February 18  |  Advertising, Business, Marketing  |   VCoker
Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower

Have you ever made a decision that turned out to be a bad decision? Maybe it cost you a lot of money. Perhaps it cost you a friendship or your marriage. We all make decisions, even very important life-altering decisions, based on information we have gathered or our personally held attitudes and beliefs.

It's Not What You Know That Hurts You...

Typically, the more important the decision, the more time we spend gathering information. We’ll make a decision on buying an inexpensive food item in just a few seconds. But, if we’re about to purchase a car or a home…we’ll weigh the pros and cons. We’ll shop around. We’ll get second opinions. We’ll talk to our friends. We’ll shop online or read product reviews. We’ll sleep on it. But even the big decisions become very costly when not thoroughly researched. Continue Reading

Your Worst Enemy—Your Customers’ Memory!

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February 13  |  Advertising, Business, Customer Relations, Marketing  |   JDostal
Jeff Dostal, President of Marketing Firepower

Never rely on the memory of your customer for the success of your business. I could and probably should stop right there because that says it all. But I won’t. Let’s explore this thought. My experience with too many businesses is that once they make contact with a consumer or once they get that customer in the door or on the phone, they feel they can move on to the next one. STOP! You can’t leave them hanging there, blowing in the wind of the unknown.

They don’t know all they need to know about your business. They don’t know the benefits of giving their money to you instead of your competition. Let me give you an example, my wife Kim and I live in Lincoln NE. There are some wonderful restaurants here in town. Many we have never been to. When it comes time to enjoy and evening out at dinner (and with four little ones that is not often enough) we go through that eating our right of passage: Continue Reading

How to Solve Your Advertising Problems

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February 6  |  Advertising, Business  |   VCoker
Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower

Entrepreneurship has been defined as “the art of finding profitable solutions to problems.” It’s the successful entrepreneur who studies a problem…researches possible solutions…implements change…and stays the course while the solution is given proper time to work.

Profitable Solutions to Problems

There is one particular problem that irritates the heck out of most small businesses. It’s like the “prom pimple” that shows its ugly head right on the tip of your nose. But in the world of small business, this “pimple” is commonly referred to as—advertising. It is ugly. It’s embarrassing. It’s expensive. Nothing seems to work. You can’t get rid of it. You wish it would just go away. Yet, in the back of your mind, you know you need it.

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Why You Can’t Compete On Low Price

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February 3  |  Advertising, Business  |   VCoker
Van Coker, Vice President of Marketing Firepower

Ask 100 small business owners what the most important factor is when a consumer chooses where to do business—and about 90 of them will say “low price.”

Is that really how people shop? Is that really the predominant factor in buying anything?

In survey after survey, when people were asked what was most important in choosing a grocery store—price ranked fifth. Not first. Not second. Not third. Not fourth. FIFTH!

You Can't Compete on Low Price

Don’t get me wrong, price is important. If you’re selling gasoline for $5.00 a gallon when the competition everywhere else is selling it for $2.00, you have a problem. But if your price per gallon is $2.04 or $2.05, you’ll still see good traffic at the pumps. It is important to be competitive. It’s not that important that you be the lowest.

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